People Who Gamble For A Living

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In effect, the article makes a case for a shift in public health orientations—. They also drew comparisons between street dogs and people who live. In a world of busy people, gambling can be the way out to a wearisome life. Such people can take their families with them to places like casino resorts to relieve the tension they experience at work or home. Meaning, gambling can be stress-relieving to some.

Here you’ll find the answer to the continuous and unending contract concessions, and attacks on active and retired members of the UAW. Workin 4 A Livin was founded, by Leroy McKnight, on March 28, 2014 with the creation of a Yahoo email address, the Workin 4 A Livin Radio Show and this Http:// website; with a Facebook account later added on November 22, 2015, the inaugural Workin 4 A Livin radio show aired on April 3, 2016 and during the summer of 2016 Workin 4 A Livin morphed in to a National Caucus of the UAW with intentions of ending and reversing the incessant contractual concessions and outright attacks on both active and retired members in the face of corporations annually reporting nearly ten billion dollars of profit.

The “on air” members of the Workin 4 A Livin TEAM are Jeff “Spike” Brown, David Fillion, and Leroy McKnight. Other leadership members have been “on air” in the past and have been attacked for doing so. Thus, the highly experienced and geographically, gender, ethnic and racially diverse TEAM; has decided that “off air” members should remain sequestered until necessary. However, they are a part of all decisions, and continue to campaign in their own circles.

The full Workin 4 A Livin TEAM has been developing caucus platform planks and are being published on our Platform Planks Page.

Additionally, the Workin 4 A Living Team by and through this Workin 4 A Livin website, the Workin 4 A Livin – Facebook Page and Workin 4 A Livin – Radio Show have been creating a long-standing record of who and what we are. We invite you to peruse all of the above sites to learn more about out Workin 4 A Livin – Caucus. We also encourage input at our email address:

Join The TEAM

Please enjoy this May 1, 2107 video:

[Note: May 21, 2017 exactly 21 days after this speech FORD CEO Mark Fields was fired .

June 2, 2017 The McKnight Family Suffered A MAJOR TRAGEDY.]

Also, the Workin 4 A Livin TEAM

invites you to access the historical record of our team

through any of our four syndicated radio shows as accessed

People Who Gamble For A Living Crossword

on the upper right of this page’s right side-bar.

People Who Gamble For A Living


[All Staff Are Unpaid Volunteers]

On Air:

People who gamble for a living will

Moderator: Leroy McKnight

Co-Host: Jeff Brown

Off Air:

Domestic Support Staff and Investigative Reporters:

Tom Albrecht – Ohio

People who gamble for a living quote

Names Withheld:









New York





Global Support Staff and Investigative Reporters:

Names Withheld:








People who gamble for a living will



From TEAM Workin 4 A Livin – Caucus

For more information about other labor issues visit Workin 4 A Livin.

People Who Gamble For A Living Youtube

Guess Blogger: Indigo

I saw a quote by Julie Ackerman today. It read: Not receiving an immediate answer to prayer is no reason to give up faith.

The quote made me think of a conversation I had w/ an acquaintance a few weeks ago. She’s a 40-year old, divorced, mother of three, who is trying to convince herself that God has left her to fend for herself in the area of finding a husband. “I have just accepted the fact that no man worth anything is going to want a 40-year old woman with 3-kids, when he can go out here and get a 30-year old w/ none.” She told me that her husband left her for someone he was having an affair with at work and although it was painful, she granted him a divorce and moved on.

Shortly after the divorce, she found Christ and has been on fire for Him ever since. She said, “That was 10-years ago. For seven of those years, I have remained celibate…waiting on God for my husband; with no success.” She told me that she is living for God in every area of her life and she doesn’t understand why THIS area has been such a failure for her. She said, “At first, I had standards. Now, I’m like, ok…he doesn’t have a job right now, but he is looking for a job and at least he wants to get married.

I tried to encourage her. I told her how valuable she is in God’s eyes and that no matter how grim it appears, God has her back and would never require her to settle. I told her that the enemy is planting doubt in her heart b/c of the man God has for her is going to take her whole family to a new dimension in Christ. After our talk, I even prayed with her; after which she said, “Yeah I guess. I’ve prayed that same prayer and I’m still single.” She was giggling but obviously not open to receive God using me in that moment.

So today, when I saw the quote above, it took me back to that conversation and made me ask, Why is waiting on God such a challenge for us? We’ll wait 2-hours to get on a rollercoaster. We’ll wait 8-hours to get our hair braided. We’ll wait days to see if our Powerball number hits. We wait weeks to hear back from jobs we interview for. We’ll wait months for the doctor to tell us if we’re having a girl or a boy. Although it can be challenging to wait for many of these indiscriminate things in our lives, WE DO IT!! But, when it comes time for us to wait on the Lord, we give Him ultimatums. Isaiah 30:18 — Blessed are those who wait for Him. Instead of focusing on His ultimate plan for our lives in the moment and gaining knowledge He’s trying to impart in us…learning the lessons He’s trying to teach us… WE STOP WAITING and do things in our limited wisdom & strength. This makes me angry with the enemy and how WE ALLOW him to prey on us. Listen, being angry at God won’t expedite your situation. It will only exacerbate it. God hasn’t forgotten you, but He is simply NOT on your personal schedule. He is GOD, remember?

Waiting proves our faith. It builds endurance. Change your state of mind. Stop looking at waiting like it means wasting away. Be productive while you wait. Get closer to God and His Word. Allow the wait to mold you into a better Christian and a more grateful person.

Hebrews 6:13-15 –When God made his promise to Abraham, since there was no one greater for him to swear by, he swore by himself, saying, “I will surely bless you and give you many descendants.” And so after waiting patiently, Abraham received what was promised.


“Preparing You To Live Victorious!”



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