No Fold Em Hold Em

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No fold-em hold-em, Euro style In the gaming establishment I occasionally frequent, low-stakes poker games are referred to as 'no fold-em hold-em' meaning that the tables are filled with calling stations who will pay to see every available card. The recent Texas Hold'em craze has spawned a bunch of on-line Poker sites. These sites tend to breed a group of poor players whose primary strategy is to never fold or throw away a hand. These players will always play and bet on every card on every hand no matter what the cost or what cards they have. Before you can determine whether or not to fold a hand, you need one to play. In No-Limit Texas Hold’em, each player receives two hole cards preflop and are immediately presented with a decision – play or fold. There are 169 unique combinations of starting hands, and some are better than others. Pocket aces are at the top while deuce-seven. Suited connectors can be some of the most valuable hands in No Limit Hold 'em cash games. That being said, they aren't sure things and will miss everything far more often than they will hit it big. You want to fold small suited connectors (if not all suited connectors) from early position. Hold'em or Fold'em, that is the question: a game of intelligence, courage, and luck! We hope to offer a REALISTIC Poker experience to you. Here you can play with millions of players from dozens of countries to hit and win a MEGA POT! Hurry up, let's start playing! Features ♠ Handheld Device: Designed to offer a convenient and interesting experience in a handheld device. ♠ Free Mega Bonus.

Gotta Know When To Hold'em And When To Fold Em


The recent Texas Hold'em craze has spawned a bunch of on-line Poker sites. These sites tend to breed a group of poor players whose primary strategy is to never fold or throw away a hand. These players will always play and bet on every card on every hand no matter what the cost or what cards they have. You have decided to take advantage of these stupid players by developing your own poker site that allows you to always beat these players.

The way your site will work is: there are only two players in each game: you and your opponent (this is called a heads-up game). Each of the two players will get two “hole cards”; these cards are dealt face down so, presumably, only the player can see them. Four of the five community cards (cards shared by both players) will be dealt face up on the table. We will dispense with any betting for the purpose of this problem: it is irrelevant since each player will always call every bet right to the “river” (the fifth and final community card). You will always be seated at position 1, and your opponent at position 2. The program knows what seat you are sitting at and the hole cards for both players, therefore, it can compute all the cards that remain in the deck that will maximize the amount of money you would get playing the hand – folding is not an option. In the event there is no card that would allow you to win or tie the hand, you will be forced to take a loss on that hand (after all, it looks good if you lose sometimes).


The first line of input contains an integer N which is the number of data sets that follow (1 ≤ N ≤ 100) . Each data set consists of three lines. The first line of each dataset specifies your two hole cards. The second line is your opponent's hole cards. The third line is the four community cards. A card is specified by two characters: it's rank (A,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,T,J,Q,K) and it's suit (S,D,H,C) for Spades, Diamonds, Hearts, and Clubs respectively. For example, the Ace of Hearts would be AH, the Nine of Spades would be 9S. Within a line, there are no spaces or invalid characters. All input will be valid.


For each data set, your program will output (on a new line) the data set number followed by a colon, followed by a space, and a list of card(s) that will maximize the amount of money you could get playing the hand. If no card will allow you to win or tie, just display ‘LOSER’ instead of the cards. Each card should be separated by a single space. Your program will display up to 15 cards on each output line. If more than one output line is required for a dataset, additional lines should be indented by exactly 3 spaces. Cards should be output in suit order (S,D,H,C) and rank order within each suit (Ace high).


Sample Input

Sample Output

1: TS 3D 4D 5D 6D 7D 8D 9D TD AD TH TC
2: 4S 5S 6S 7S 8S 9S TS JS QS KS AS 2D 3D 6D 7D
8D 9D TD JD QD KD AD 2H 3H 4H 5H 6H 7H 8H 9H

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When To Hold Em When To Fold Em
